Here are a few points about this page implementation and development shown.
For closing this dialog window, press 'Esc' on your keyboard or button below.

The image is placed in the < canvas > HTML element, which allows changing image content.

Blur is created by applying Gaussian kernel with width of specified pixels.

Project: Processing of the uploaded image (serverless, no storage except on a browser) using vanilla (without npm libraries) JS

Short instruction of page functionality usage:
  1. Upload an image for processing, using the button below;
  2. Note that the uploaded image is stored only in the browser session memory, it will be discarded after page reload / close;
  3. This page is static (without the running backend) the host - GitHub pages, the code is here
This text is displayed if JavaScript is switched off or the browser doesn't support canvas element. No Image Uploaded, if you see this :-)
Select type of the properties inputs: