Reasons for developing

Representing a few Zernike profiles in a pyramid

The following images generated using the static method plot_sum_zernikes_on_fig() for single element in a list as polynomials list.
Hover mouse over the images (right) for getting polynomial name

Next steps

  1. Implement calculation of derivatives Done in version 0.0.5 of the library
  2. Implement conversion from raw deformations on an unit pupil to set of Zernike polynomials Done in ver. 0.0.6
  3. Implement more interactivity for these pages, make responsive the main page
  4. Provide more tests for checking derivatives, values and initialization of polynomials There are 10 tests for run by the pytest library
  5. Fixed issue with slow calculations of high orders polynomials, found that direct (exact) equation is sufficiently fast - ver. 0.0.8
  6. Found that the exact equation couldn't be used reliably for orders higher than 40th radial one - ver. 0.0.9